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New scientist


New scientist
Derry Street 2
W8 5TT London
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To cancel your New Scientist subscription, visit their website and log into your account. Look for the option to close your account in the 'my account' section. By doing this, you can remove all your stored information. Alternatively, you can also cancel through Xpendy, but keep in mind that this may involve some costs. Make sure to review the terms and conditions for more details on cancellation policies.

If you're considering ending your subscription to New Scientist, you have a couple of options available. To cancel, you can easily do so through the New Scientist website by visiting the 'manage my subscription' page under the 'need help?' section. This process allows for a straightforward cancellation directly through the service. However, if you prefer, you can also opt to cancel your subscription via Xpendy, the platform through which you initially subscribed to New Scientist. Keep in mind that canceling through Xpendy may involve some associated costs.

Newscientist is a lot of fun to read and keeps you up to date with some of the newest science being done. It's a nice laypersons' coverage. It doesn't approach scientific american in its depth, complexity, or "sciency" language, but it's popularized rather than dumbed down. The writing is always clear and concise.