
People’s Postcode Lottery


/ 5,0

(2034 beoordelingen)

Betaling van 15.95 voor het verzenden van

People’s Postcode Lottery opzegbrief

  • People’s Postcode Lottery
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Attn: Customer Service
Charlotte Square 28
EH2 4ET Edinburgh
United Kingdom

19-03-2025, Stad

AANGETEKEND: People’s Postcode Lottery abonnement opzeggen

Geachte heer/mevrouw,

Hierbij zeg ik mijn abonnement per eerstvolgende mogelijkheid na dagtekening op.

Persoonsgegevens :
Naam: Voornaam Achternaam

Adres: Straat en huisnummer
Postcode + plaats: Postcode plaats

E-mail: E-mail

De incassomachtiging dient tegelijkertijd te worden beƫindigd.

Daarnaast verzoek ik u hierbij tevens, overeenkomstig artikel 17 AVG, over te gaan tot onmiddellijke verwijdering van al mijn persoonsgegevens in de zin van artikel 4(1) AVG, behoudens in de gevallen zoals opgesomd in artikel 17(3) AVG.

Graag zie ik de bevestiging van deze opzegging en de verwijdering van mijn persoonsgegevens op bovenstaand e-mailadres tegemoet.

Met vriendelijke groeten

Voornaam Achternaam


1. Voer je gegevens in

2. Je brief wordt automatisch ondertekend

3. We sturen je brief online

4. Ontspan

People’s Postcode Lottery opzegtermijn

Informatie inklappen>>

People’s Postcode Lottery


People’s Postcode Lottery
Charlotte Square 28
EH2 4ET Edinburgh
United Kingdom

Vergelijkbare services

About People's Postcode Lottery

The People's Postcode Lottery is a UK subscription-based lottery where participants play with their postcode for a chance to win cash prizes. Established in 2005, it raises significant funds for charities and community projects, distributing millions to various causes while offering daily and monthly prize draws.

People also ask

To cancel your People's Postcode Lottery subscription online, you need to log in to your People's Postcode Lottery account. Navigate to the account section and locate the direct debit details under the funds & payments section. From there, choose the specific play slip you wish to cancel. Additionally, if you prefer, you can also cancel your subscription through Xpendy, although this may incur some costs. This way, you have the option to manage your People's Postcode Lottery subscription according to your preference.

You must be a player of people's postcode lottery to win a prize with us. Legitimate lotteries don't ask you to pay taxes, custom fees, insurance shipping, handling fees etc before you can receive your 'winnings'. Scammers often ask their targets to send money upfront to them by money transfer.

To cancel your subscription with People's Postcode Lottery, you can do so easily through their website. Simply log in to your account and navigate to the 'direct debit details' section under 'funds & payments'. From there, choose the play slip you wish to cancel and select 'delete'. This will stop that specific play slip from being included in future draws. Alternatively, you can also cancel your subscription via Xpendy, but please note that this may involve some costs.